Friday, August 31, 2007

Off to a great start!

School began Monday of this week. I must be selling the library right as I have had some students coming in daily already! This morning before school I had one doing research on his Science Fair project for February. The greatest joy though is the young fellow who finally paid for a book he lost last February. He came to the library to exchange books three times that first day and at least once everyday since then. Makes a librarian smile...


Melissa said...

Shane and Logan have been frequenting their library too! Logan gets upset when he sleeps through library time. Too bad rest time is right before it. I really need to ask his teacher to wake him up!

Shane has been to the library regularly and has already read a few books. It's been hard to get him to turn out the light and go to sleep. Back to the normal schedule...if there is such a thing. :)

shadylady said...

Kindergarten can be very tiring. If he is getting to sleep okay at night you may want to let him sleep at naptime. Ask the teacher if she will let him go at another time. Seems he shouldn't have to miss out on the academic enrichment of library time due to a let them sleep policy...