Monday, January 29, 2007

Spicy foods...

Usually when I think about food and the library it is either in the context of NO food while reading library books or I think about the cookbooks we have on the shelves. This time it is neither of that. Once a year my library gets taken over by the Science Fair. This year more than 200 students participated with close to 100 on display in the library. Some of these projects were over my head! And not just because they were placed up high... I must admit though, my favorite project was one in which the student tried to determine if there are differences in taste qualities as we get older. The student mentioned as one conclusion that "Spicy foods are just a pain in the tongue." This still has me laughing!


Golda said...

I remember my second grade science fair project - you helped me to do a simple program on that old TI computer. That means I was programming before Jeremy. He doesn't like that...

shadylady said...

That causes me to many students go on to have careers or hobbies that may be related to Science Fair projects they did while young. Melissa tested bacteria on chicken in 6th grade....she loves to cook new things these days....I just eat bacteria laced Chicken and head to the emergency room....

Melissa said...

Ick!!! I remember that one. We set petry (however you spell that) dishes on top of the fridge and in it, I think. And then analyzed the mold. lol My favorite science fair project(I think I did it more than once) was genetics. I did surveys on the classes in my schools and then tallied the results. Easy! I suggested Shane do that this year but he wants to do something more interesting...

shadylady said...

In my opinion, the best Science Fair project is one that the student designs his/herself. Something that stems from a real life problem. Easier said than done though I would guess...