Friday, February 2, 2007

Happy Groundhog Day!!

Groundhog Day is my favorite holiday! I love saying "Happy Groundhog Day" to teachers and students in the hall and getting a smile in return. Okay, so sometimes that smile is accompanied by a strange look, but just the same it is fun. It's those smiles and the fact that no one is obliged to do anything special for the day that makes it my favorite. I have exactly four books about Groundhog Day in my library and you can bet that I read those every year at this time. It is the first grade students that are subjected to my luniness in this regard. I also impart a brief history of the holiday and suggest the students make their own predictions by looking for their shadows during recess. Fits nicely into their curriculum theme for this six week period of cause and effect. Fun with can't beat it!


Melissa said...

Somwhow I don't think I've ever read a Groundhog Day book. :>)

shadylady said...

You are leading a sheltered and underpriveleged life. a problemsolver. Go to your nearest library and request one!