Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Great Turkey Round-Up

Once upon a time my family use to joke about things such as Great Turkey Round-Ups while passing time on long trips. Turns out several organizations really have turkey round-ups in November to encourage donations to food pantries. Not exactly the type of round-up we had in mind though. We imagined wild turkeys being corralled and driven by cowboys to the turkey processing plants. Or should I say turkeyboys? We also joked about the beaver hotels on dry ground we would come across next to train tracks. In reality these were actually piles of railroad ties. Why do I write about these in this particular blog? I just happened upon a book in my library titled The great turtle drive. This is a delightful tale by Steve Sanfield who is a poet and storyteller. Told as a first person narrative, a gentleman explains how he earned and lost a million dollars by the time he was twenty-one. He did this by driving turtles from Texas to Kansas City cattle drive style. I'm thinking of adding this one to my very small storytelling collection. It hits home somehow. It will also get me thinking and smiling the next time I see turtle soup on a menu...

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