Monday, April 2, 2007

The Bluebonnets are here!

The Bluebonnets are here, both the wild flowers painting the landscape across Texas and the new 2007 - 2008 Bluebonnet books for my library!

Each spring in Texas the fields and byways blossom with various wildflowers. The Bluebonnets stand out proudly among them as they literally become a carpet of blue for a few short weeks. I am always reminded upon seeing them of two things. One, I call to mind Tomie dePaola's The legend of the bluebonnet which is a retelling of the Camanche legend regarding the bluebonnet's origin. And two, I am reminded of Lady Bird Johnson's efforts to beautify the nation's highway by limiting billboards and encouraging wildflowers.

The Texas Bluebonnet Award is named after the state flower, the bluebonnet. Each spring, about the time the wildflowers are blooming, a new set of Bluebonnet books arrive in my library. This is the group of 20 books recommended by a committee of librarians that I've mentioned in an earlier posting. Last week I booktalked these titles to my 2nd and 3rd grade classes. I put the books out for checkout this morning. I had multiple copies of two titles. As of now only 6 of the 21 books are left on the shelf. They flew fast and furious this morning. Fortunately I will have additional copies later this week! It is fun to see the kids excited about reading. Can't blame them...I am too!

1 comment:

shadylady said...

I now have 2 complete sets of the Bluebonnet books...all are currently checked out!